@SkorP I installed the latest dev firmware.
Analyzer works with audi key and shows 315 mhz, which is correct. However, it is still does not work with any of my garage keys. And here in the USA the 310 Mhz frequency is very popular for garages and gates.
As I see the “read” feature, you’ve excluded 310 Mhz from the list of frequencies you test. I manully added it to the config files (analyzer and reader). If I manually use Read Raw mode it sees transmission, but analyzer shows only 00000. Also keep in mind, that for example the transmitter I use is LIFTMASTER model 893LM. It uses 310, 315 and 390 frequencies and quickly switches between them. 0.44.1 version was able to see it, but the latest dev version (8A81B79E) shows only 00000, the hop/read mode also can’t detect anything.
It was cool that 0.44.1 was able even to detect the walkie talkie frequency, but it is not in the list of frequencies you officially support. So you probably optimized the algorithm, but lost some important logic.
@buletman Go to settings → about and scroll right till you see HW version info. You will see something like 12.F7 bla bla bla. So you HW version is F7, at least, such assumption worked for me. From the download site you need to download .dfu that has “full” in it’s name.