HID 0009P (1386LGGMN / 26Bit H10301) ISOProx II Proximity Card not reading

having issues with it not reading any cards. HID 0009P and I’ve tried a few different others and keyfobs but no luck. I have the new update and rebooted but nothing

This still hasn’t been added yet, as I’ve said multiple times above.

I will post an update to this thread when it gets added.

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Maybe we can think of a smarter way to organize classification, qualification and implementation of additional protocols/card types? I have a bunch of cards the flipper won’t read/acknowledge to be able to detect either. It would be great if we had some “basic” scanning functionality that everybody could use to scan everything we can get our hands on. That way, we’d be able to build up a db of stuff we know is out there and can use it to classify things in various aspects (unknown/unsupported protocol, read, write, emulate). Maybe we can even sync scans we have “foraged in the wild” to a central db automatically via the app or something along those lines…? I’m sure there are lots of people out there willing to help, maybe we can support the “flipper guys” better that way and speed up overall development speed. We could even eventually think about things like downloading only required protocols for the cards somebody uses or something like that in the future.


Yes, that’s pretty much what RFID RAW will allow you to do.

RFID RAW has been released, please update to the latest release candidate and check if it can now read your cards. If not, please follow the RAW recording instructions and create a new topic for your card type, attaching photos of the card, the RAW recordings and all the other info that you have available.


Can confirm that this now works with the cards that did not work yesterday, HID 0009P, great work. Both works for reading and emulating. It is so great to see continued support for the product :smiley:

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Awesome, but I think I missed something: where do the reads get saved?

In the ‘lfrfid’ folder on your sdcard. The are not shown in the flipper UI.

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Got it! Thank you!

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God, I’m so happy that this finally works!

Thank you, Astra!

Is there a way to emulate the saved, RAW data?

No, the RAW data is for analysis only, it’s not possible to emulate due to the format not being lossless and not having some info necessary for accurate emulation.

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The reason why they won’t work is that the card is linked to a certificate system. or something like that I forgot what exactly it’s called.

Just uploaded all the data since I still cannot read the card.

HID 0009Y is also not readable

Same issue here I can read the card

I have a dump of 2 RFID’s that aren’t supported yet - I can send if you tell me how and where to send to

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I have a proxmark and the same cards that aren’t working if you still need something that you cant get from the RFID RAW reading via Flipper

thanks for giving us the discord server link.

You were able to read and emulate a 0009p Hid card?