I see, sadly I don’t have access to a sdr, maybe I’ll get one soon and continue this thread. But I appreciate the help y’all have provided
Found some more info about the k110B3 chip.
It looks like it appeared in a car remote: key problem | Peugeot Forums
And in that forum the person included the datasheet!
infineon-tdk5100-ds-v01-01-en-2802267.pdf (616.1 KB)
And based on the pinout and the PCB it looks like all the ASK pins are disconnected, so it seems like it indeed is operating on FSK
very strange chip) but it’s still unclear what the deviation of the signal is
Ok, I placed an order for an SDR, hopefully should have more results in coming days.
Typical deviation for this Chip is 30khz.
Would you be able to provide a Custom_preset for the 30khz deviation, 2-FSK ? Maybe @puffyfish can try that ?
#2-FSK 200khz BW / 135kHz Filter/ 12.69Khz Deviation + Ramping
Custom_preset_name: FSK12k
Custom_preset_module: CC1101
Custom_preset_data: 02 0D 03 47 08 32 0B 06 15 30 14 00 13 00 12 00 11 32 10 A7 18 18 19 1D 1D 92 1C 00 1B 04 20 FB 22 17 21 B6 00 00 00 12 0E 34 60 C5 C1 C0
#2-FSK 200khz BW / 135kHz Filter/ 25.39Khz Deviation + Ramping
Custom_preset_name: FSK25k
Custom_preset_module: CC1101
Custom_preset_data: 02 0D 03 47 08 32 0B 06 15 40 14 00 13 00 12 00 11 32 10 A7 18 18 19 1D 1D 92 1C 00 1B 04 20 FB 22 17 21 B6 00 00 00 12 0E 34 60 C5 C1 C0
#2-FSK 200khz BW / 135kHz Filter/ 31.73Khz Deviation + Ramping
Custom_preset_name: FSK31k
Custom_preset_module: CC1101
Custom_preset_data: 02 0D 03 47 08 32 0B 06 15 42 14 00 13 00 12 00 11 32 10 A7 18 18 19 1D 1D 92 1C 00 1B 04 20 FB 22 17 21 B6 00 00 00 12 0E 34 60 C5 C1 C0
Here are my custom presets for narrow FM. one of these should work.
Rgds - Marco.
Very cool ! Thanks for sharing that !
Got the SDR in the mail today. Heres what im seeing for RF spectrum:
So it looks like its 2FSK.
My understanding is that deviation is peak to peak? In which case is 33Khz
Included recording from SDR
sample.wav.zip (3.2 MB)
Tried these two configs, but still nope (maybe i wrote it wrong or the calculated deviation wrong?):
#2-FSK 200khz BW / 135kHz Filter/ 34.91Khz Deviation + Ramping
Custom_preset_name: FSK34k
Custom_preset_module: CC1101
Custom_preset_data: 02 0D 03 47 08 32 0B 06 15 43 14 00 13 00 12 00 11 32 10 A7 18 18 19 1D 1D 92 1C 00 1B 04 20 FB 22 17 21 B6 00 00 00 12 0E 34 60 C5 C1 C0
#2-FSK 200khz BW / 135kHz Filter/ 38.08Khz Deviation + Ramping
Custom_preset_name: FSK38k
Custom_preset_module: CC1101
Custom_preset_data: 02 0D 03 47 08 32 0B 06 15 44 14 00 13 00 12 00 11 32 10 A7 18 18 19 1D 1D 92 1C 00 1B 04 20 FB 22 17 21 B6 00 00 00 12 0E 34 60 C5 C1 C0
the deviation is calculated as follows, the channel width between the peaks /2
Record in SDRSHARP long button presses for 10+ seconds. and everything will be clear
Recorded IQ file with the baseband recorder in SDRSharp (10s long button press), file is too large so zipped and uploaded to dropbox: Dropbox - 10-31-59_434000000Hz.zip - Simplify your life
Try to READ with flippern now … but use 434.000 mHz instead of 433.900 …
I don’t understand much about this but to start i would try to use flipper on the correct frequency … If it still doesn’t READ even with the correct frequency and deviation so there is some difference on the protocol that doesn’t allow flipper to correctly parse the package.
Nice, got it to work,
Added 433 and the following config for deviation:
#2-FSK 200khz BW / 135kHz Filter/ 15.86Khz Deviation + Ramping
Custom_preset_name: FSK15k
Custom_preset_module: CC1101
Custom_preset_data: 02 0D 03 47 08 32 0B 06 15 32 14 00 13 00 12 00 11 32 10 A7 18 18 19 1D 1D 92 1C 00 1B 04 20 FB 22 17 21 B6 00 00 00 12 0E 34 60 C5 C1 C0
It is reading as “KL Unknown”
Perfect so it is fm and keeloq. But keeloq unknown, so the correct manufacturer key is not in your keystore.
that’s what I said, the flipper can do everything, it just needs to be directed in the right direction. write me a Raw file and I will check it against my databases
Some weird updates, I used a firmware that will remain unnamed to capture the key and replay it.
I was able to open up my gate every single try… It looks like although the remote is using Keeloq, the receiver doesn’t seems to implement any sort of hopping???
I dont know if this is generalizable to all these ICT remote…
Anyone have any ideas?