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Did you success to implement this and open you garage?

Yes, its working

Can you please check explain the steps how to do it with flipper zero?

Or post .sub file for example here - Flipper/Sub-GHz/Garages at main · UberGuidoZ/Flipper · GitHub

I am also asking for information on how to create a .sub file.
I don’t know much about Python, thanks.

I add all sub files and the script to github

Thanks !!!

Thank you!

This is actually very useful thanks. Would it be possible to create a program for the Flipper ti generare those codes “on the fly” instead of using pre-calculated files?

Unfortunately I have no experience with flipper firmware development, hopefully someone can do it which I really doubt it can be done due to the flipper processor power.

everything is possible within reason, and the performance of the flipper processor will be enough


hmmm, the processing power of the FZ might be enough, but I think it’s not worth trying. If you need to bake a sequence hoping it will succed, you have to be prepared, well documented, and be well aware of what you need to produce. If you find yourself in front of an unknown brand of gates/garage doors, there’s no chance you can open it without knowing how the code is transmitted (the PROTOCOL). How many bits? How are ONEs and ZEROs coded? How many times the code needs to be transmitted? And so on.
And, if you have all of these informations already, it makes more sense to pre-bake the sequence when you’re home in front of a PC.
Or, if you are an android user, you can chroot a linux distro in your phone/tablet, install python and the neccessary libraries, and generate the sequences on your phone.

#include “types.h”
#ifndef LOCAL
#include “flipper_zero.h” // ← Replace include statement for “cc1110.h” with this
#include <math.h>
#include “ioCCxx10_bitdef.h”
#include “display.h”
#include “keys.h”
#include “garages.h”
#include “rf.h”
#include “fbuffer.h”
#include “zsprites.h”
#include “pm.h”

#define title printl(0, " OpenSesame 1.0")
#define HIBYTE(a) (u8) ((u16)(a) >> 8 )
#define LOBYTE(a) (u8) (u16)(a)

#define SET_WORD(regH, regL, word)
do {
(regH) = HIBYTE( word );
(regL) = LOBYTE( word );
} while (0)

/* note sdcc wants reverse bit order from datasheet */
typedef struct {
u8 LENH : 5;
u8 VLEN : 3;

u8 LENL      : 8;

u8 TRIG      : 5;
u8 TMODE     : 2;
u8 WORDSIZE  : 1;

u8 PRIORITY  : 2;
u8 M8        : 1;
u8 IRQMASK   : 1;
u8 DESTINC   : 2;
u8 SRCINC    : 2;


__xdata static volatile u8 txdone = 1;
__xdata static volatile u8 ni = 0;

__xdata DMA_DESC dmaConfig;
__xdata u8 realbuf[MAXLEN+1];
__bit sleepy = 0;
__bit txFast = 0;

extern u8 _garage_id = 0;

void configureSPI()
// Modify this function to use the Flipper Zero API for configuring the SPI interface

void setup_dma_tx()
// Modify this function to use the Flipper Zero API for configuring the DMA controller

// Set up the DMA

Would something like this make things work on f0

This is for European use only (433.98 MHz and 868.35 MHz). In the USA, the frequencies used are 300 MHz, 310 MHz, 315 MHz, 318 MHz, and 390 MHz. There may be others, but those are the main ones used for garage and gate openers, car remotes, alarm remotes, etc.