0.91.4 broke everything

I used Qflipper to update to 0.91.4 now NOTHIING WORKS. Any app I try to launch says “update firmware to use this app”.
qflipper shows NO UPDATE AVAILABE.

Anyone have any idea how to fix this POS?

did this happen to anyone else?
now I am afraid to update until I hear more about this :worried:
@samk did you try to roll back to an older version?

Most likely the API was updated so the apps compiled for the older API will no longer work ? I’m not using official firmware so I can’t confirm this but try to check your app folder for changes and see if a roll-back to the older firmware does make the apps execute again. Most likely you will need to compile/update your apps to the latest version as well. My guess is that you did update the firmware but are still using apps compiled for the older version.