Yeah getting a 6k autel to make and program your own seems a bit overdone, but the fz might not be the best solution.
Not sure how the smart part works but since its like a wireless emergency cord, for sure it is some kinda of constant beacon, and if its a counter with some encryption, duplicating it is not gonna be a option, then again if it is just a simple 10001 I am here constant low power beacon, you might wanna look if you can see something popup with the frequency detector and see if you can replicate while distancing the key.
If the beacon, the key are the same signal and it is for example time linked to checksums or something like that, making a clone without some extra hardware might be a lot harder.
Not entirely sure but do they have proper ecu’s and odb2 ports like cars? maybe they use some more known stuff and just the name makes it seem more special then it is. Chance they reused already existing stuff from car’s etc seems bigger then they developing their own. So without hardware specifications on one of those keys and more details, it could be as easy as ordering a 5 buck replacement on ali and prog it to the ecu with a odb plug.
2014 is a while ago but its around that time and just before like from 2010 on ish, they started to use more and more intelligent rolling codes with counters and proper checksums, before a lot was still fire and forget.
They look kinda fancy , not sure if the is just for the eye or if they are actually a high-end overall made, we have 2 days of snow a year here so I have little experience