About run firmware on nucleo-stm32wb55rn

Hi folks,

I’m trying to run firmware out of flipper zero for hobby purposes and also flipper is not available my country, so I decided to run firmware on a STM32WB55RN devboard. Previously I wrote on reddit post. But I get a way,

I could run firmware on STM32 via

./fbt TARGET_HW=18 FLIP_PORT=/dev/cu.usbmodem12303 debug cli

Output shown:

It stuck on

11851 [E][Desktop] Secure Enclave verification failed: total 0, valid 0

I was waiting to open cli for flipper, what is the cause or any recommendations???

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Exactly that. You devboard doesn’t know the secrets every Flipper does. Probably grep for this string and patch the check out.

Hi there,

I Run “without changing” any code. I flash it via stlink. I got debug with user usb and get screen with qFlipper.

It need to remove check hardware.name in flipper. And got connected with bluetooth.

I have some priorities right now. Mainly I will connect an sd card and lcd, butons then. In lower priority I need Rf module, IR and vibro. Lastly need to connect NFC because it will need custom board(it seems using a microcontroller based nfc module)