Any hope for my Flipper?

So I am an idiot and left my flipper in my pants pocket one evening and ran it through the washer and dryer. Is there any hope for it working? I have gotten it to power on since then but it shows the battery with a dash through it and it is constantly blinking red and green. I hope all hope isnt lost for repair as its less than a month old. Thanks for any advice in advance.

  1. Make sure it’s completely dry… Maybe the dryer did that already? I might open it to verify it’s dry by disassembling and placing it in silica gel or another desiccant. Astra says you need a PH0 screwdriver and Ifixit says PH1. I’ll leave that up to you.
  2. Remove the SD card and verify it is functional or just replace it altogether.
  3. If you didn’t disassemble it then Reboot with hotkeys. It should not be plugged in at this step.
  4. Let it charge. Don’t worry if it doesn’t appear to be charging at first.
  5. See if it now works.
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