Apps/Tools/Music "Preload failed API mismatch"

Just got my Flipper today and found a big github dump of apps etc. ‘GitHub - UberGuidoZ/Flipper: Playground (and dump) of stuff I make or modify for the Flipper Zero’ but every app, tool, music, etc just gives me a “preload failed API mismatch” error. I looked it up and said it was must likely outdated apps for firmware but seems like it was just updated a few days ago. Anything else that may be causing the problem? The Snakes game that came on it stopped working after moving files via Qflipper and I had to reinstall firmware.

There are apps for official firmware and for “others”. Firmware for “others” will NOT RUN on official firmware…

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I specifically made sure to download from the Official>Stable_FW branch, and I have stock FW, never changed, brand new from the box… still got the same issue though…

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any fixes yet?

I’m having the same issue. I downloaded some .FAP files from UberGuidoZ/Flipper/Applications/Official/STABLE_FW/ on GitHub but they all give me the same “Preload failed API version mismatch” error. My Flipper Zero is about a day old on “FW 0.82.3 - Release”