Bluetooth app/remote documentation outdated


I tried to use the bluetooth keyboard on the latest firmware version, but I can’t find it any more.

The documentaton does not help either, there is no Remote app in Main Menu → Apps → Bluetooth → Remote, I can’t even find Main Menu → Apps → Bluetooth.

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See first line at

!!! ALL Extra Apps was moved to Application Catalog, use companion application to install/update them !!!

  • Open the Android/iOS Flipper app
  • On the bottom choose ‘Hub’
  • Tab on ‘Apps’
  • Filter ‘Bluetooth’
  • There is the app ‘Remote’, click ‘Install’ on the right side.

thank you!

i thought that i must use the android flipper app now. i won’t, however, cause it needs location access and i won’t grant it that permission. the desktop app can’t install apps, unfortunately.

however, the documentation is still outdated and that was what i was trying to point out.

This is an Android “feature” - it aliases Bluetooth with GPS. I recall there is a reason.

Thank you for your reply! I don’t care why I need to turn on location access. I will simply not use it.

You don’t need to. Flipper is OpenSource.
Just take the source from GitHub - flipperdevices/Flipper-Android-App: Android Mobile app to rule all Flipper's family and modify at least the manifest.

Okay, this won’t fix the documentation, but the comment from @maqumih could be important for people who are more motivated for solutions, than you are.

Maybe a issue/pullrequest on the docs page is more helpful than a forum post that at least two people have not understood.
Is this the source?