Glad to see that you’ve reached $1mln so fast thus wondering about Bluetooth stretch goal. Which module will be used in the project, is it just BLE or BR/EDR+BLE chip, Bluetooth version, which profiles are supported?
And propose to create a new category for Bluetooth-related discussions. I can already see a lot of possible uses, such as Bluetooth HID devices emulation, network tethering (so device can use phone’s connection e.g. to download apps from some kind of user repository, sync time to use the device as TOTP generator, basically to update firmware without PC), SPP to use with HC-05 and other serial bluetooth devices.
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Oh I hope it’s possible to do Ubertooth level tasks with the Bluetooth chipset on this unit. That will make it utterly devastating.
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I’m also very interested in updates when a decision is made on the Bluetooth module and an new category sounds like a great idea
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