Bricked Device after mobile update

Hey guys. I know there are plenty of “bricked” threads on here but I think I may actually have a faulty device. I recently attempted to update my flipper through the app on my phone and before it finished the screen went completely blank.
I hjave attempted to hard reboot the device by holding the back button and the ok button. I have gotten no response to any charge cord I put into the device before and after trying this reset.
I starting to think my device was completely fried during this process and have no clue where to go from here.
Thanks for any incite you guys offer me in advanced!

Try firmware repair in DFU mode.

I would totally love to do that if my device wasn’t completely unresposive to everything I do to it. It does not charge and it does not verify and button combinations I try on it. I feel tllike the device is just completely dead.

Try to hook it up to a laptop/pc using qFlipper, but hold the back and middle button for at least 30 secconds and see if qflipper recognizes it and gives you the repair button. Reconnecting USB while holding buttons sometimes also helps. The screen will still be off but the laptop should recognize it in DFU recovery mode and you should be able to fix it with qFlipper pretty easy.

I’ve given both ways a try but I’m getting zero response from the flipper and qflipper. The screen is blank on the flippernwith no flashing lights and even plugging the USB in and out even while holding down the button combinations isn’t giving me any reaponse in qflipper. I’m starting to believe something blew on the inside and there’s now no battery connection…

Seems unlikely , if you have a phillips screwdriver and you are easy on the flatcable connections, reconnecting the battery might help you solve this, but no display does not mean it cannot get into DFU mode, if it can get in DFU mode, it is prolly software issues. I did manage to break my FW multiple times where it got in a semi none reactive state but so far, even if i had to reconnect the battery, it seems to be fixable pretty ez?