Casinos etc

Has anyone used the Flipper Zero in any Casinos etc.

If so, would you mind sharing with us what you used it for and how you did it.

Thanks :+1::100:

I canโ€™t think of a valid use in a Casino. There was an exploit using IR but that was patched long ago. I also would not get caught using the Flipper in a Casino you are not prepared to be ejected from permanently.

This would be to find out if they have any security breaches where using the Flipper Zero would influence wins etc in the casino.

How those machine work now is interesting. Iโ€™m told the randomization is based on the background radiation from space now. That isnโ€™t the strangest way to create random numbers either. A company creating internet certificates used to use images of hundreds of lava lamp to seed their random number generation process. I hear Cloudflare may still use that system.

Hi all,
I used my flipper in casino. They had NFC cards and i had read my card, saved all the bits. I later read the nonce from the card reader and there you go - i had duplicated my card. But the casino software uses rolling code.
I used the original card and the value from the clone card also reduced. I used the clone card and the value was also reduced from the original.

I am stumped from there onwards.

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