CLI Command Line Interface Examples

CLI = Command Line Interface
putty.exe -serial COM3 -sercfg 115200,8,n,1,N

Commands to use in serial
storage list /
storage list /ext
storage read /ext/badusb/demo_macos.txt
storage write /ext/badusb/rootjunky.txt
paste in file data or type then CTRL + C to close and save.
storage remove /ext/badusb/rootjunky.txt
loader list
power reboot2dfu
power reboot
power off
power debug

Please Share any CLI examples to help the community


We will cover this in documents soon.


For anyone looking for a simple macOS example of using the CLI until the full docs arrive here’s a quick set of instructions.

  1. Connect your Flipper Zero to your Mac via USB.

  2. Open a Terminal window.

  3. To find your Flipper Zero connection to your Mac in the /dev dir type the following in the terminal:
    ls /dev/cu.usbmodemflip*
    This should list your Flipper Zero with it’s unique NAME at the end.

  4. Now to connect use the screen util followed by the complete /dev/cu. path you just found:
    screen /dev/cu.usbmodemflip_NAME
    Make sure to replace NAME with your Flipper Zero name.

  5. This should start the screen util and you should see the Flipper CLI Welcome message.

  6. At the prompt type: help to see a list of the commands that are available from the Flipper Zero CLI.

  7. A good first test is to type: device_info to get a detailed listing of your Flipper Zero hardware info.

  8. To exit the screen util when done hit Ctrl-A then hit K. This will ask if you want to kill the session. Hit y and screen will exit back to the terminal command line.


On arch linux, screen is an easy tool to connect! If your user does not have access to serial devices, this will need to be run as root:

$screen /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Flipper_Devices_Inc._Flipper_XXXXX

To end the session, use ctl+a then ctl+d to detach

Connect your flipper with your Android via USB-C
Use an adapter so that you can switch from USB-C (on the flipper0) to USB-C (on the smartphone) …
Now download the “Serial USB Terminal” app from PlayStore…
Open the app and now click on the " { } " (connect) symbol where a terminal will now open and a flipper picture will play in ACSii style on your terminal
Tipp and hit “help” and go :sunglasses::ok_hand:t2:

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Thank you. It wasnt working for me at first until i changed the baud rate in the setting. Better than others since i dont have to be at a whole computer or download premade file to CLI into it.

Screen is fine for this purpose, but if your unix/linux system doesn’t have screen it almost certainly has cu:

cu -s 9600 -l /dev/usbmodemflip_NAME
(Type ~. to exit.)

Alternatively, there’s tio (GitHub - tio/tio: A simple serial device I/O tool), but depending on your platform you may have to build it yourself:
tio -b 9600 /dev/usbmodemflip_NAME
