CLI rfid emulate

are there any examples of how to above mentioned command is used? I cannot figure out what kind of parameters are expected?
what is <key_type> and <key_data>

Is it even supported?

Would be nice to make use of it to build scripts up on in…


key type is chipset so h10301 em4100 etc and data is the data you’re emulating

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Ahh thx.

Hint: as soon as I state smth for all required parameters it also gives a list of available protocols (which are: EM4100, 5 bytes long
H10301, 3 bytes long
Indala26, 4 bytes long
IoProxXSF, 4 bytes long
AWID, 9 bytes long
FDX-A, 5 bytes long
FDX-B, 11 bytes long
HIDProx, 6 bytes long
HIDExt, 12 bytes long
Pyramid, 4 bytes long
Viking, 4 bytes long
Jablotron, 5 bytes long
Paradox, 6 bytes long
PAC/Stanley, 4 bytes long
Keri, 4 bytes long
Gallagher, 8 bytes long

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