Copier carte de lavage machine

Bonjour, je souhaite copier une carte de machine à laver.

Comment procéder?

We are asked to keep this forum in English. To answer your question though we would need more information about the washing machine card.

C’est une carte Mifare Classic 1k

UID: F2 D0 14 BD
Keys Found 15/32
Sectors Read: 1/16

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Do a nested attack to find the rest of keys.

Very well, could you tell me how to proceed? Thank you

Find an app called Mifare Nested (or Flipper Nested). It is available by default in some custom firmwares, and on for the official one.
Install the desktop app from GitHub - AloneLiberty/FlipperNested: Recover Mifare Classic keys on Flipper Zero.
Install it if necessary. Details are in the manual, TL;DR: copy the .fap file to your SD card in /apps.
Launch it, select the Nested attack, apply the card to your Flipper.
Wait until it stops blinking.
The app should show you some instructions, but telling them here too.
Connect the Flipper to a PC with USB cable (I believe it doesn’t normally work over BT or on Android).
Launch the desktop counterpart.
It should perform some magic and exit. It may or may not take some time, reporting its progress on terminal.
Detach the Flipper from PC.
Launch the Flipper app again and select Check found keys this time.
Apply the card.
If everything went well, it will add the keys to your list and tell you it did so.
Re-read the card in NFC menu.
It should now report all keys and, probably, all sectors read.
At this point, you are ready to emulate, clone, rollback and generally have fun.

You are pretty likely to have some troubles. It this case, report on details.

Thank you for your reply.
I have successfully installed Nested attack.

then I get the message
Nonces collected

Now you can run, script on your PC to recover!

I connected the Flipper to my Mac and opened the Qflipper application, but I don’t understand what happens next.

Thank you for your help.

Not the qFlipper application, but Nested’s own desktop application. Linked above.

Is it normal that it’s been working for more than 12 hours? I’m at 19387 time.

[?] Checking F2D014BD.nonces
Recovering key type A, sector 1
[=] Hardnested attack starting…
[=] ---------±--------±--------------------------------------------------------±----------------±------
[=] | | | Expected to brute force
[=] Time | #nonces | Activity | #states | time
[=] ---------±--------±--------------------------------------------------------±----------------±------
[=] 0 | 0 | Start using 10 threads | |
[=] 0 | 0 | Brute force benchmark: 933 million (2^29,8) keys/s | 140737488355328 | 2d
[=] 1 | 0 | Using 235 precalculated bitflip state tables | 140737488355328 | 2d
[=] 2 | 256 | Loading nonces from file | 21292699648 | 23s
[=] 3 | 512 | Loading nonces from file | 21292699648 | 23s
[=] 3 | 768 | Loading nonces from file | 21292699648 | 23s
[=] 3 | 1024 | Loading nonces from file | 21292699648 | 23s
[=] 3 | 1280 | Loading nonces from file | 21292699648 | 23s
[-] No match for the First_Byte_Sum (108), is the card a genuine MFC Ev1?
Found 0 key(s): []
[!] Failed to find keys for this sector, try running Nested attack again
Recovering key type A, sector 2
[=] Hardnested attack starting…
[=] ---------±--------±--------------------------------------------------------±----------------±------
[=] | | | Expected to brute force
[=] Time | #nonces | Activity | #states | time
[=] ---------±--------±--------------------------------------------------------±----------------±------
[=] 0 | 0 | Start using 10 threads | |
[=] 0 | 0 | Brute force benchmark: 938 million (2^29,8) keys/s | 140737488355328 | 2d
[=] 1 | 0 | Using 235 precalculated bitflip state tables | 140737488355328 | 2d
[=] 2 | 256 | Loading nonces from file | 24459577344 | 26s
[=] 3 | 512 | Loading nonces from file | 21292699648 | 23s
[=] 3 | 768 | Loading nonces from file | 21292699648 | 23s
[=] 3 | 1024 | Loading nonces from file | 21292699648 | 23s
[=] 3 | 1280 | Loading nonces from file | 21292699648 | 23s
[=] 3 | 1536 | Loading nonces from file | 21292699648 | 23s
[=] 4 | 1792 | Loading nonces from file | 21292699648 | 23s
[-] No match for the First_Byte_Sum (127), is the card a genuine MFC Ev1?
Found 0 key(s): []
[!] Failed to find keys for this sector, try running Nested attack again
Recovering key type A, sector 3
[=] Hardnested attack starting…
[=] ---------±--------±--------------------------------------------------------±----------------±------
[=] | | | Expected to brute force
[=] Time | #nonces | Activity | #states | time
[=] ---------±--------±--------------------------------------------------------±----------------±------
[=] 0 | 0 | Start using 10 threads | |
[=] 0 | 0 | Brute force benchmark: 978 million (2^29,9) keys/s | 140737488355328 | 2d
[=] 1 | 0 | Using 235 precalculated bitflip state tables | 140737488355328 | 2d
[=] 2 | 256 | Loading nonces from file | 10248079360 | 10s
[=] 3 | 512 | Loading nonces from file | 6678748160 | 7s
[=] 3 | 768 | Loading nonces from file | 6394606080 | 7s
[=] 3 | 1024 | Loading nonces from file | 6394606080 | 7s
[=] 4 | 1280 | Loading nonces from file | 6394606080 | 7s
[-] No match for the First_Byte_Sum (126), is the card a genuine MFC Ev1?
Found 0 key(s): []
[!] Failed to find keys for this sector, try running Nested attack again
Recovering key type A, sector 4
[=] Hardnested attack starting…
[=] ---------±--------±--------------------------------------------------------±----------------±------
[=] | | | Expected to brute force
[=] Time | #nonces | Activity | #states | time
[=] ---------±--------±--------------------------------------------------------±----------------±------
[=] 0 | 0 | Start using 10 threads | |
[=] 0 | 0 | Brute force benchmark: 986 million (2^29,9) keys/s | 140737488355328 | 2d
[=] 1 | 0 | Using 235 precalculated bitflip state tables | 140737488355328 | 2d
[=] 2 | 256 | Loading nonces from file | 530516344832 | 9min
[=] 3 | 512 | Loading nonces from file | 497112612864 | 8min
[=] 3 | 768 | Loading nonces from file | 497112612864 | 8min
[=] 4 | 1024 | Loading nonces from file | 497112612864 | 8min
[=] 4 | 1280 | Loading nonces from file | 497112612864 | 8min
[=] 4 | 1536 | Loading nonces from file | 497112612864 | 8min
[-] No match for the First_Byte_Sum (122), is the card a genuine MFC Ev1?
Found 0 key(s): []
[!] Failed to find keys for this sector, try running Nested attack again
Recovering key type A, sector 5
[=] Hardnested attack starting…
[=] ---------±--------±--------------------------------------------------------±----------------±------
[=] | | | Expected to brute force
[=] Time | #nonces | Activity | #states | time
[=] ---------±--------±--------------------------------------------------------±----------------±------
[=] 0 | 0 | Start using 10 threads | |
[=] 0 | 0 | Brute force benchmark: 942 million (2^29,8) keys/s | 140737488355328 | 2d
[=] 1 | 0 | Using 235 precalculated bitflip state tables | 140737488355328 | 2d
[=] 2 | 256 | Loading nonces from file | 9274349568 | 10s
[=] 3 | 512 | Loading nonces from file | 9274349568 | 10s
[=] 3 | 768 | Loading nonces from file | 9274349568 | 10s
[=] 3 | 1024 | Loading nonces from file | 9274349568 | 10s
[=] 3 | 1280 | Loading nonces from file | 9274349568 | 10s
[=] 4 | 1536 | Loading nonces from file | 9274349568 | 10s
[=] 4 | 1792 | Loading nonces from file | 9274349568 | 10s
[=] 4 | 1989 | Apply Sum property. Sum(a0) = 128 | nan | nand
[=] 4 | 1990 | Apply bit flip properties | nan | nand
[=] 4 | 1991 | Apply bit flip properties | nan | nand
[=] 4 | 1992 | Apply bit flip properties | nan | nand
[=] 4 | 1993 | Apply bit flip properties | nan | nand
[=] 4 | 1994 | Apply bit flip properties | nan | nand
[=] 4 | 1994 | Apply bit flip properties | nan | nand
[=] 4 | 1994 | Apply bit flip properties | nan | nand
[=] 4 | 1994 | Apply bit flip properties | nan | nand
[=] 4 | 1994 | Apply bit flip properties | nan | nand
[=] 4 | 1994 | Apply bit flip properties | nan | nand
[=] 4 | 1994 | Apply bit flip properties | nan | nand
[=] 4 | 1994 | Apply bit flip properties | nan | nand
[=] 4 | 1994 | Apply bit flip properties | nan | nand
[=] 4 | 1994 | Apply bit flip properties | nan | nand
[=] 4 | 1994 | Apply bit flip properties | nan | nand
[=] 4 | 1994 | Apply bit flip properties | nan | nand
[=] 4 | 1994 | Apply bit flip properties | nan | nand
[=] 4 | 1994 | Apply bit flip properties | nan | nand
[=] 4 | 1994 | Apply bit flip properties | nan | nand
[=] 4 | 1994 | Apply bit flip properties | nan | nand

It’s not. From

I conclude that your machine is reasonably new, and it should work in seconds to minutes. It would be interesting to look at your F2D014BD.nonces file (PM if you decide to, but it is possibly PII or confidential), but for now stepping to other alternatives.

Since Nested failed, it’s possible to try out direct reader attack:

  1. Open partial capture file in NFC app
  2. Select Detect Reader
  3. Touch Flipper to the reader
  4. Move it to/from machine until app tells you to stop.
  5. Use one of the mfkey flavors (manual, in the web app, in the mobile app, maybe I missed something)
  6. Having added the found keys to user dictionary, rescan the card.

I can’t make a direct attack on the drive because I have to insert a card into the drive.

Meh. Out of ideas.