Feature Request: Apple Watch integration

I think it would be awesome to make an Apple Watch integration. I just think about how cool it would be to control my flipper from my watch. Thanks for reading!


I also think that the Flipper Zero’s interaction with the Apple Watch would be really cool, but I’m thinking of little feature, which of the features would you have thought of for the Flipper to interact with the watch?I also think that the Flipper Zero’s interaction with the Apple Watch would be really cool, but I’m thinking of little feature, which of the features would you have thought of for the Flipper to interact with the watch?

I think that it would be cool to be able to directly control the device with maybe the crown (Not sure if thats possible with apple watch api) or with finger. I mainly would want to control the device directly because i think it would be awesome to have the flipper in your pocket and then you just go on your watch and activate whatever you want. Also if the direct control isnt possible maybe just those shortcuts that they added in the app?

I second this. This would be incredibly handy since you wouldn’t need your phone nor Flipper out.

you need to take your flipper out, you cannot emulate your rfid card, nfc card just with your iphone nor apple watch :smiley:

i think you are able to make a shortcut with some limitations, i will try and keep you updated :smiley:

I will look into this, it should be completely possible given the use of SwiftUI but will require new UI Elements. You should even be able to display the screen and all.

I’m my mind there will be problems with the Bluetooth protocols, the Apple Watch is limited to.
Tech me others if so. :slight_smile:

I completely agree, and it’s certainly possible since there is already a flipper app for the Samsung watches