Firmware upgrade failed: "Disk Access Error"

I received my new flipper zero. I want to set it up for the first time, so I wanted to do a firmware upgrade.
Select microSD (Fat32) → try to connect to app → “outdated firmware version. Firmwareversion on your flipper is not supported. Please update via PC”
Open qFlipper (sudo) → connect Flipper → “unsupported device”
Set flipper into recovery mode → open qFlipper (sudo) → Repair → “Disk Access Error: Can’t save or read files to/from the local filesystem.”

The microSD is a brand new SanDisk 32GB (the smallest one the store had). I tried formatting it to exfat, I tried formatting it on the Flipper itself (does Fat32). I tried setting it to factory-settings in the flipper menu.

I couldn’t find something similar on the internet…

Does anyone has any ideas what to try ? I was thinking of trying unofficial firmware but it’s not recommended doing this before updating to the latest firmware.

Thanks beforehead

Is it possible you have something interesting (like ~ or /tmp) mounted as readonly?

You can apply official firmware using their procedure (aka self-update package). Beware that it won’t create region data and you will be locked out of Sub-GHz.
Rough details.
Then try to update via qFlipper again, hoping that

goes away.

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Hounestly I was not sure which exact file you ment, but I extracted the on my laptop and updated from file in qFlipper, which did update afterwards !

Thank You ! :slight_smile: