Flipper BUG - Can't parse file :

I’m testing/playing with Portuguese Transportation pre-paid cards (Lisbon) and flipper is able to detect the mentioned cards :

It would be GREAT for the cards to be FULLY supported but on the meanwhile i would want to test emulate UID and see if it works but if i save the file captured by flipper i can’t open it again, i get a message of flipper unable to parse the file …

Test.nfc (228 Bytes)

Please check this out and at least fix the issue so that flipper can open the saved UID file…

Tomorrow i will try emulating by reading the card and directly emulate… looks that the emulation function do work if used imidiatly after reading the card…


We are aware of that problem and are working on ways to fix it

It’s kinda tricky as our NFC chip reports that the card is NFC-A when in reality it’s NFC-B

Also, emulation of NFC-B is most probably not possible, with our NFC chipset, not even the UID

Thanks for the info !

This should now be handled properly as an NFC-B card in the latest dev release.

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Yes, i did test and now is detected properly as NFC-B !!! Thanks once again. Fixed.

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