When I try to update the devboard firmware, I get an error
Tried to flash via wifi and via usb. Forgive me if my question is elementary.
flipperzero-firmware git:(dev) ./fbt flash_blackmagic
APIPREP build/f7-firmware-D/sdk_origin.i
APIPP build/f7-firmware-D/sdk_origin.i
SDKCHK firmware/targets/f7/api_symbols.csv
API version 34.1 is up to date
arm-none-eabi-gdb -ex "source ./scripts/debug/gdbinit" -ex "target extended-remote tcp:" -q -ex "monitor swdp_scan" -ex "monitor debug_bmp enable" -ex "attach 1" -ex "set mem inaccessible-by-default off" build/f7-firmware-D/firmware.elf -ex load -ex quit
Reading symbols from build/f7-firmware-D/firmware.elf...
Remote debugging using tcp:
SW-DP scan failed!
Target does not support this command.
Attaching to program: /Users/salavatd/flipperzero-firmware/build/f7-firmware-D/firmware.elf, Remote target
Attaching to Remote target failed
Loading section .isr_vector, size 0x13c lma 0x8000000
Load failed