Go365 Workout Beacon

My employer uses small beacons in our gym that our phone can pick up. These basically allow us to check in and get points rewarded daily. I have tried to read these with my Flipper Zero but I have been unsuccessful. I will attach a photo of the chip. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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I can’t find any good info on that. Does it have ab FCC id?

Thank you for the reponse! I have no other information other than the image of the chip I uploaded. I do know that you can be within a certain area of the beacon and it will “check in” on the iPhone app. Thinking about it now, could it be a GPS location and have a really tight tolerance? If that were the case the. Being on the second floor above it would also trigger it as well but it doesn’t. Right?

Is there a way to pic up some type of frequency coking off of it with the flipper? I tried everything but I am still new to this.

How far away can you be? 10 feet? I have a suspicion this thing is Bluetooth Low Energy if you don’t have to put your phone near it.

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Okay. So I found a flyer and it mentions that it is Bluetooth. Would this still be possible with the flipper or is it not possible because it needs the app on the phone to register the points?

If I was able to “copy” the Bluetooth signal from the beacon then it should work. At least that’s what my brain is trying to tell me. Lol

You can be within 20-30 feet max

The Flipper would not be able to do that out of the box. It would take modification to the BT stack. I would try using a Bluetooth scanner app on a phone to find the BT ID of the device. You could figure out how to replay the ID later assuming it isn’t using encryption or MAC spoofing.

I have nRF Toolbox, BLE Scanner, and WiGLE WiFi for that type of scanning. Despite the name WiGLE does more then WiFi.

I believe the nRF add on board could let the Flipper scan BT as well.

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Is there any way of using my nrf24 board to sniff it? I’m very noob and don’t understand the sniffer app very well.

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My understanding is you can but I have not used one. I’d try Flipper Reddit. Seems like there has been more talk there about it.