Hello everyone

hello everyone, such a problem after installing Darkflipper (DarkFlippers · GitHub) firmware - Flipper stopped connecting to the computer via cable and Bluetooth.
I have tried reformatting the micro cd card
I have factory reset the Flipper.
changed the cable
None of the above have resulted in any different outcomes
The Firmware information lists DarkFlipper.
I tried all the steps to reinstall Firmware recovery.
Please help.

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We don’t support alternate firmware here but I can point you to some general advice. Please let me know if that helps. If it doesn’t I might have another trick but follow this thread first.

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Hello jmr :handshake: ,Thanks for helping :heart_hands:
I have looked at this method. but my problem is that my Flipper is not detected on PC. But qflipper sees the connection but throws an error. Dropbox - Screenshot from 2023-07-02 01-46-25.png
On win 10 in the device manager, it is not defined as a device, Dropbox - Screenshot from 2023-07-02 00-54-56.png - Simplify your life
maybe I’m looking in the wrong place?

And by bluetooth, he sees Flippera and detects it, but when you click on the connect button, nothing happens…
And linux says - fdisk: cannot open -: No such file or directory

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I don’t see the com ports anywhere in that photo. I don’t actually read Russian but I used Google Lens to translate. Perhaps something was literally lost in translation?

Make sure your Flipper is charged.
Disconnect it from you PC.
Power it down.
Remove the SD card.
Power it up.
Connect the Flipper to your computer.
See if it appears to have connected as a device under the Ports(COM and LPT)

Thanks for the help…
The situation so far is this: it turned out to connect on another computer (Win10), determine Flipper and start the update. Updated with an error.
Then I managed to connect it via bluetooth, and update it without errors.
But at home he refused to connect to my Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS

Tried installing and reinstalling qFliper.
=( If you have any ideas… I will be glad

Full logs when connection error

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Try to recorver firmware via DFU mode Firmware recovery - Flipper Zero - Documentation If the issue still appears, please show the dmesg output when connecting device in serial port mode to the Linux machine.

And next time, ask the maintainer of your Super-Dark-Black-Anonymous-Mega-Haxxkor firmware how to manage this issue.

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Get it in DFU mode by holding middle and back button for at least 30 secconds, if that is not helping some times reconnecting USB while holding buttons might help. Then do a repair to orginal or dev version and you can try other stuff again.