Help with custom app for flipper on unofficial firmware

Hi there,

I recently decided I was going to try and make my own lora messenger app for the flipper. I have found a tutorial but it doesn’t mention anything about using unofficial firmware with the ufbt. I managed to find the command to update the sdk with a custom firmware with: ufbt update --local=path --hw-target. The issue im having is that I can’t figure out what the --hw-target argument is asking for. I have tried a few things but they all give a permissions error. My command and the errors are below
Any help would be appreciated

C:\Users\usr\OneDrive\Documents\flipper_zero_apps\test_app>ufbt update --local=C:\Users\usr\OneDrive\Documents\flipper_zero_apps\flipper-z-f7-sdk-unlshd-062 --hw-target=flipper
21:19:40.948 [I] Deploying SDK for flipper
21:19:40.948 [I] uFBT SDK dir: C:\Users\usr\.ufbt\current
21:19:40.948 [I] Loading SDK from C:\Users\usr\OneDrive\Documents\flipper_zero_apps\flipper-z-f7-sdk-unlshd-062
21:19:40.948 [I] Deploying SDK
21:19:40.948 [E] Failed to run operation: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'C:\\Users\\usr\\OneDrive\\Documents\\flipper_zero_apps\\flipper-z-f7-sdk-unlshd-062'. See --verbose for details
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