How to brutes force NFC reader

I try to brut force NFC reader but i dont now how i can do. so i already try to use MfKeys32 but i dont now if i can open the door after extract the keys and if i can use it for open the door

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read the instructions on github. GitHub - equipter/mfkey32v2: Mifare Classic Key Calculator v2

it is not a “reader brute force” it’s a calculation to discover keys for the respective credential for the reader

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Just to expand on @equip’s reply in a more beginner friendly way:

(Note I am intentionally using incorrect terminology for the sake of explentation)

NFC tags, specifically the MiFare Classic, that are used commonly in security systems like SafeLok are more like a ring of keys rather than just one. They can contain multiple “keys” to open different doors. Each key on that NFC tag’s keyring is locked and requires it’s own password to be able to read the data from that key and use it to unlock a door. The Flipper has a built in dictionary containing many passwords to try on a NFC tag to see if any of them work to unlock the keys on the keyring of the tag. This may work well for any NFC tag that is using passwords that are already known, but if the key is locked with a password that the Flipper does not know, you cannot open that key on the tag.

This is where MfKey32 comes in. By collecting data from the reader of a door, it can figure out what passwords would unlock a key that works on that door. You still need physical access to a NFC tag that does work on that door so you can use your newly calculated password to read the data from a working NFC tag to emulate.

Hopefully that clears it up! It’s not magical with the ability to open any door, but if say you have a work NFC tag that the Flipper can’t read you can use Mfkey32 to be able to read and emulate that NFC tag you already have.

Side note: there are other ways to brute force a MiFare Classic key fob using an NFC reader on a PC, but as I haven’t played around with that yet, I can’t speak to how it works or its efficacy.