Flipper zero can emulate Cardin s449 just fine,
You need non official firmware so that you can save and send your signal + manufacture key as SkorP has mentioned so that you know where on the counter you are and so that you can send the nex singals (risking de-syncronization of original remote).
Lacking MF (manufacturer key) but with the capability of saving/sendning the signal as you already have otherwise you wouldn’t had post those signal decode dumps if you want to RISK to de-sync the original remote just grab a bunch of those signals like 5 or 6 and try to replay them in sequence.
Some Keeloq systems simply don’t bother to invalidate old keys/keys below actual counter state and re-sync it’s counter when they get a valid sequence of it’s own code.
I’ve seen systems like ALL azkoyen step machines that will unlock with a SINGLE VALID keeloq transmition no matter what count it have, same goes for some garages.
Others will require 2 or 3 or 5 valid codes in sequence to unlock/re-sync to old count value.
If you have capability to genrate the nex valid key for example with flipper + manufacture key you can generate a key near count FFFx . Some systems will not bother with the margin in count and will accept anyrthing that is bigger than the actual count…
Good luck.