I don’t have app_lock-pin-brutefor

I don’t have app_lock-pin-brutefor

If you looking for a Ducky script that can brute force pin codes, I wrote some scripts for that: flipperzero/BadUSB/Ducky Scripts/Offensive at main · Zarcolio/flipperzero · GitHub

  • Offensive/Password-top100.txt - Top 100 passwords turned into a Ducky script by Create-PwdDictAttack.ps1.

  • Offensive/PinCodes-top10000-ButtonWait.txt - 4 Number pin codes (easy to remember pin codes first) turned into a Ducky script by Create-PwdDictAttack.ps1. Waits until the run button has been pressed after each pin code.

  • Offensive/PinCodes-top10000-Delay2000.txt - 4 Number pin codes (easy to remember pin codes first) turned into a Ducky script by Create-PwdDictAttack.ps1. Waits 2 seconds after each pin code.

  • Offensive/Create-PwdDictAttack.ps1 - Creates a Ducky script that tries a list of passwords, for example against the Windows logon screen. Delay and wait time/method are configurable.

  • Offensive/Generate-PinCodes.ps1 - Generates 4 number pin codes, easy to remember pin codes first.