I just have a STM32WB55, how to download the Firmware

As the title. I am trying to bulid the Flipper Zero by myself. I used to download the program into STM32 by IAR & J-link. I have read most of the docs and github, but I don’t know how to get the STM32 project or hex files. :grimacing:
I don’t know if the STM32 files is open source, just like Arduino or 3D printer, we can download and DIY it easily.


You should probably start with using DFU files from update directory.

Similar topic, no replies: Run firmware on P-NUCLEO-WB55

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Thank you my friend!
It’s different. Maybe I should download the STM32 program first, so then I can get into DFU mode.
DFU mode is base on the system of Flipper Zero.

There are two DFU modes on Flipper: the custom one is enabled with Left on boot and is unavailable for you, but another is called by OK and is hardwired into MCU I believe.