Magic gen1a unable to write

I bought a bunch of nfc gen1a cards but it won’t let me write to it and it has a password on it. It lets me read it with a dictionary attack, but it won’t let me remove the lock with the dictionary. Any ideas?

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You should use the “NFC Magic” app.
APPS => NFC => NFC Magic => Check Magic Tag
Apply you tag. You will see “Magic card detected” if it is gen1a.

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I did, and it shows as gen1a/b anf when I press write it says unable to write to card. And when I read it with nfc it uses dictionary to try and crack it

Did You try “Wipe” function at NFC Magic and then read the tag?
After wipe all keys on tag must be FFFFFFFFFFFF and all data field filled by “00”. (except block 0)

I’ve tried the wipe function like a bunch of times but it won’t work.

It turns out that there are many flavours of G1a magic cards.

My Magic G1a cards from aliexpress are writable/wipeable with Flipper.