Mf Classic Flipper Dict. Key Found 1/32


I have NFC card and when I try to read it, I only can read one key.
It show me Keys found 1/32, Sector Read 0/16.
When I tried to read same card using mobile phone and then wrote it to some NFC tag and then read it back using flipper, then fliper read 32/32 keys, not sure, maybe it is same key 32 times :slight_smile:

Any ideas why I cannot read all 32 keys?

It is card for transport and I wanted to copy it into flipper and use it using flipper

PS. During this post writing I left flipper on this card and now I have 3/32 keys read and 2/16 sectors read, maybe I need wait longer to read whole card data?

I think that you have to wait longer, Flipper is trying all password in his list (mine have about 1200 key) against all the sectors of the card. He needs time to do that.
And also hope that the correct password is in the list, if not you will get access only to some of the sectors.

aa, so i need update flilpper zero password list for NFC, to give ability to read all keys.
In public stransport reader reads specific key on specific address?
Is it possible to use flipper to know what address is used to read key from card.

It can take a long time to run through it, just like @cberetta wrote above.

Also, I think someone else tried to clone their transport-card to Flipper and it didn’t work, but I can’t find the correct thread atm since I am at work. Hopefully you have another card type but as I’ve understood it cards of this type is very hard / not able to be cloned (atm).

I waited and yes it is copies some cards and it is very slow process.
Will try to test in public transport to see is it cloned what needed or I need to try find this address and add it to dictionary.