Mfkey32 questions

Hello all!!

I am semi new to flipper and try to learn something new everyday. I saw the mfkey32 app and I had to download it. After downloading and looking online I’m a bit confused as to what it does. To my understanding you can scan the keys that a specific reader reads and emulate those keys through a card. What I don’t understand is they have a section that explains what to do if you don’t have a card but it does not say how to emulate those keys you get without a card? Also, do you have to use a card that was previously setup with said reader? For example if I wanted to get into my hotel room but I left the key inside, could i use an old Dave and busters NFC card and emulate the readers keys through the Dave and busters card? Or would I have to have an old hotel card from the same place then try and cracker the reader using the stored keys? Also I don’t understand what it means when it says to go to main menu → NFC → Saved → name → Detect reader. When I do that I don’t see a section called “detect reader” when looking at a specific NFC card. Does this “detect reader” option only pop up on specific cards or am I doing something wrong.

Last question: When I scan a mifare classic 1k card it has options such as “write to initial card” and “update initial card” after looking on Reddit I saw that they supposedly write the cards back to its original state? For example if I scan a Dave and busters card with the flipper then after playing a few games if I click write to initial card then it will make it so my points are back to where they were before I played the game. I don’t know if this example is correct or not. The update option confused me as well and I wasn’t able to form a complete understanding of it.

Thank you so much for your help!!

Hey, i asked myself the same question about the mfkey32 app.

But I think it’s like this:

If you have a mifare nfc tag whose pages are partially password protected, you can then use the “detect reader” option to collect nonces from the reader from which the flipper obtains keys. With these keys you can then possibly read the password-protected pages when you read the nfc tag again.

The section “if you dont have acsess to the card”

I think it only describes how you can collect nonces and thus save new keys in the user dictionary to expand it. But not sure about that.
That’s just my understanding of the whole thing, I’m looking forward to read answers from the pros.

That confused me too. I don’t think the documentation is up to date.

When you read a password-protected mifare tag, the option “unlock card with reader” is displayed under “extra options”.

Hope that helps a bit.