Music Player

Has anyone had any luck finding out how to edit the music that the music player plays. I’m guessing it’s a file on the actual device ROM because I can’t find it on the SD Card and I can’t find any info on the file structure to try and add it but I don’t know how to access files on the device ROM either. Any ideas or info are appreciated. Thanks.

It is hardcoded and not editable

As was mentioned earlier, they’re hardcoded in music_player.c right now, although I know people in the discord are working on making it a little more flexible.

Hardcoded? I just pulled the .fmf file from Flipper plugged into a computer using the qFlipper software, and edited it in Notepad. Changed the notes around, bam, I had Hall of the Mountain King from Peer Gynt. Granted, it was janky because I am not a musician. I then uploaded the file back and it played of Flipper.

This was changed about a week ago

Before that it was hardcoded

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