NFC Manually Saving Card

I just got my Flipper Zero in the mail today, I got it to store my keys and debit card, but the Credit Card saving feature was removed from the new firmware. Can I manually store the NFC “signal” to my flipper so I can use it for apple pay/Tap pay?

To pay with your card, you need the non-extractable private keys inside it. It is physically impossible to read them from the card, which means that using the Flipper as a payment is not possible. The save feature only saved the public data of the card, which is not enough for payment, and this caused a lot of confusion when people thought they could use this data to pay (which, again, you cannot), so we removed it.


Many colleges at my country do use EMV bank cards as student cards and that can be used as a bank card to make payments and access controll to open college doors using the UID of the card … Saving UIDs and public available info from the EMV card can be usefull because of that, emulating the UID is enought to open college doors… Also same apply to vault/safe on hotels that use the credit card to open/close the vault/safe…


“Read NFC-A data” for that.