If I’m understanding flipperzero-firmware/firmware/targets/f7/furi_hal/furi_hal_crypto.c correctly, the flipper zero does indeed use the M0+'s security features to seal encryption keys for applications such as the existing u2f one ( flipperzero-firmware/applications/u2f/u2f_data.c ). (If this is true, there does seem to be some misinformation out there: https://twitter.com/securelyfitz/status/1293246688698617858 )
If so, the flipper would make an excellent platform for an OpenPGP Card applet and there are several license-compatible implementations out there meant to run on similar processors. Is there already work in this direction with which I should coordinate? Am I correct in that the M0+ core is used to seal crypto keys? (otherwise, this certainly wouldn’t be worth any effort)