Option to create empty Mifare classic cards

Request an option to crate “blank” Mifare classic cards to write/emulate with enteres/set UID, etc … like when we use icopy3/5 to create/write a NFC tag. The sectors would be blank and the keys would be the same that for example NFC-PM5 uses, so one could create something that would emulate like a Mifare classic and wuld send to the reader just some sectors with the UID and vendor info, etc …

My impression is that more complete Mifare emulation (beyond UID anyway) is still in development…

Yes but what i’s asking is NOT about emulating a full card because that you will need the full data to do that and it’s alreay implemented anyway and working for me.
I was asking for an option when you don’t have the card and need just to use the UID with the rest of the card not filled with anything, for example for systems that use MifareClassic format but only care for UID, etc…

Thanks for the suggestion! We’ll add this in the near future

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Thanks as well.

Here’s a draft of this feature, should be merged in dev after I clean up the code a bit.

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wow ! That was fast ! Thanks.

What do you mean? To copy a Mifare classic card? If so, I’m keen on having (if feasible) that option. Love the emulate option, but would love to dump my (bricked) Proxmark and copy straight on a (emty) tag. Especially one with a -one on one- copy with the UID (block 0) on it. Could some tell me if that is -one the roadmap? I tried to figure out what https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware/pull/1584 this update will be, but I think I’m still too green.

After reading it again, I do get what you meen. I think my post should move to an other location.