Paxton Fob

Great! Any updates so far?

Also just got my flupper and was trying to do a Paxton. Any help?

As folks above have said My Net2 Paxton Key fob is easy to read and emulate with a Flipper.
I used RFID 125 kHz to read, save and emulate with no issues.

Yeah just reading the tread for the first time but its a classic LF tag, no biggie for a FZ or pm3

Paxton emulation works well if you emulate a EM4100, the issue is that the Flipper won’t read the Paxton fob and won’t convert to an EM4100-equivalent. The Proxmark3 can do that (with a few manual steps), is it possible for the Flipper to do it too, if we create an app/write some code?

There seems to be confusion around Paxton fobs and Paxton Net2 fobs.
Fob versions:
Net2 fob data produces an 8 decimal digit Net2 number. Net2 readers are multi format, they read Hitag2, EM4100, Mifare.
The Net2 system takes no account of which reader format was used to produce the Net2 number.
So, a Net2 number can be emulated with Flipper, or copied to an Em4100 or Mifare.

Switch2 fobs are different, they hold a site code, pack code, token number and configuration data about its token type, colour, etc. It cannot be emulated with Flipper, or copied with a token of any other type except a Hitag2.