PCF7931 reader sniffing, to find the chip password.
They’re pretty outdated right now, but it would be cool to have in a tamagochi-like device.
you mean about pcf for cars ?
Yes, I mean that one. Thing is it’s not only used in cars, it’s also used in the vending machines and access control devices.
Good evening, I am currently trying to find the pwd of my pcf7935 car wash transponder on block 0 & written in protection =01, I am trying to sniff via a homemade antenna to record the traffic & with an audio sfot read the pwd. you that Flipper_zero can do the job thank you good evening.
We currently do not support this. Is this even a 125khz chip, or is this something else entirely?
PCF7931 are transponders such as the ones used for the car keys, to allow the car to recognize the validity of the key.
Hello, thank you for your answers so currently the pinball machine cannot read this kind of badge too bad, well I see that it does something else nice, for my part it is not for a car key because yes it uses this kind of pcf7935 transponder, I just tried to sniff a car wash transponder. Thank you, have a nice day.