Pricer ESL Tags

Hi there !
Did you see this tweet ?

It would be interesting to look at…
On these links :

there are all the information to understand how the frame are built…
The main issue is how to convert hex data frame to FZ IR file format (with timings on off)

I’ve started to work on but no success…

I was just looking into this. I used furrtek’s’s debug function to dump to a text file

85 FE 7C 90 3E 17 01 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 ED 5F 90 01 
85 FE 7C 90 3E 34 00 00 00 05 02 C0 00 02 01 00 D0 00 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 88 00 00 00 00 00 00 46 81 01 00 
85 FE 7C 90 3E 34 00 00 00 20 00 00 40 67 68 06 52 22 01 8C 84 20 18 48 62 01 7C 82 08 05 D2 0A 43 BC 01 00 

(Three of the “frames” from “frames.txt”)

I found this

I got excited because these to libraries merged together should work but I’m not skilled enough at python to make the jump. I adapted the frames into the LEGO_RCX.json format provided and used and piped to a file called

Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
name: frame1
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.33
data: 35 17 17 17 69 17 17 17 35 122 17 17 52 87 35 17 87 17 35 52 35 87 52 17 17 52 17 17 52 35 17 17 139 17 156 35 156 35 156 35 17 17 139 17 17 17 139 17 17 17 139 17 17 17 139 17 17 17 139 17 17 17 139 17 17 17 139 17 17 17 139 17 17 17 139 17 17 17 139 17 17 17 139 17 17 17 139 17 17 17 139 17 17 17 139 17 17 17 139 17 17 17 139 17 17 17 139 17 17 17 139 17 17 17 139 17 17 17 139 17 17 17 139 17 17 17 139 17 17 17 17 35 17 87 17 87 17 17 17 35 87 17 35 52 17 17 139 7656

(Potion of the script linked below)

Flipper won’t run it. not sure if it’s too long or too big of a string. Maybe the frequency or duty_cycle is off? (26.6 KB)
When I press it, nothing happens on the ESL and the flipper jumps back to the main Saved Remotes screen.

Dug around in the flipper zero firmware and under infrared_cli.c, it mentions only supporting 512 samples and some of my lines are many over that.

This post looks promising, maybe I just try send the raw hex codes

Edit: Going to stop using the forum as a blog, opened a repo

Any update on this? I have a pricer model SmartTAG HD 150 if you need help with testing.

Not really, but on the unofficial FZ discord there are much more people interested in, so I advise you to come to the Discord (if you have) :wink:

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Following this- I also have a pricer ESL I’ve been wanting to mess around with and I’ve been trying to follow this project around for a while. Seems like people are really close to figuring it out!

Has there been progress with these?

It looks like someone is working on this, but the last commit was from August 2023: