Problem with recovering keys with MFKey32

I’m trying to copy my office access card. I checked the official docs at:

I read and safe the card. Step 2 in the doc says: Go to Main Menu → NFC → Saved → Name of the saved card → Detect reader.

Problem is, when I open the saved card, there is no option for “Detect reader”, only “Emulate UID”, “Info”, “Rename” and “Delete”.

I have the latest firmware installed on the Flipper.

are you trying to do this with a mifare classic file? it doesn’t sound like it.

No, the card is a MIFARE DESfire. That type cannot be emulated?

that type is not for usage with detect reader. mfkey is explicitly only for mifare classic. the method of key recovery is unique to mifare classic’s flawed crypto and doesn’t work on other chipsets.

desfire (depending on version but generalising as the answer is pretty much always) can’t be cracked.

An idea here as I noticed some companies and governmental bodies are using Mifare Desfire but not using the crypto implementation on these cards. A bigger IT specialised company use such cards and I was curious to check the data with my Flipper. Long story short: no files, no applications, just emulating the card did the job and I entered the building with my Flipper. So give that a try if app and file count on your card is zero.

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