Q: reset Universal Remote button to re-brute force find code?

In the Universal Remote app I selected each button in turn and used the return button on the Flipper Zero to get it so save the current code to the button. One of the buttons however doesn’t work after saving what I was sure was a working code to it. Is there a way through the GUI to reset one of the buttons (the Fan Speed Up) button so that I can have the app send out the codes again until I find the one that works and resave it to the button? If not through the GUI, how would I go about that by editing files on the CD card?


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If we are talking about Infrared - Universal Remote, you can choose between TVs, Audio, Projectors, Fans, AC. Right?

The files for this function are stored on the SD card under /infrared/assets/. Just go to this folder via qFlipper and download the file or open it direct on the SD card and open the wanted file. For example fans.ir
Open the file in any texteditor. The first line should be

Filetype: IR library file

The Documentation for this file is here: https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware/blob/dev/documentation/file_formats/InfraredFileFormats.md as second topic.
Short: Search the line name: Speed_up and delete or modify it. But as it is a ‘Universal Remote’, there can be more than one buttons with this name. Each block will be send after pres the button.

I wonder, because ‘Fans’ are not listed in https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware/blob/dev/applications/main/infrared/scenes/infrared_scene_universal.c … At this point you could have seen, that the function is calling https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware/blob/dev/applications/main/infrared/scenes/infrared_scene_universal_tv.c and this is reading the file.
As example the TV remote in line 12 infrared_brute_force_set_db_filename(brute_force, EXT_PATH("infrared/assets/tv.ir"));

  • If you have implemented ‘Fans’ by yourself, I shouldn’t have to explain where to find the .ir file.
  • If you are using a alternative firmware, this is not supported here. Just ask the developers.