Qflipper fails to repair, bricked device

upon receiving my flipper I was unable to get it to update through mobile or pc even though I factory reset and tried several different SD cards (all of which I know are legit). Today I was able to place the flipper into recovery mode and qflipper recognized it, after clicking repair it failed and closed the program as well as bricked the flipper itself. Ive tried pressing the keys for 30sec and reconnecting, qflipper reads it but fails and closes everytime I click REPAIR. This is the log, any Ideas?

117 [APP] qFlipper version 1.3.2 commit 7b0839e1 2023-06-08T03:58:22
117 [APP] OS info: KDE Flatpak runtime 5.15-21.08 5.19.0-50-generic Qt 6.4.3
121 [REG] Detected new device: VID_0x483:PID_0xdf11
159 [DBG] Device reported transfer size: 1024
160 [DBG] Bytes uploaded: 32 100%
160 [DBG] Upload has finished.
160 [REG] Registering the device
160 [BKD] Current device changed to “Emjexe”
334 [UPD] Fetched update information from https://update.flipperzero.one/firmware/directory.json
6248 [UPD] Fetched update information from https://update.flipperzero.one/firmware/directory.json
6292 [DEV] Full Repair @Emjexe START
8256 [ZIP] Uncompressing file with size of 173155 bytes…
8260 [ZIP] Uncompression finished : No Error
9164 [ZIP] Uncompressing file with size of 202457 bytes…
9192 [ZIP] Uncompression finished : No Error
10061 [RCY] Set Recovery boot mode @Emjexe START
10062 [DBG] Device is not idle, resetting…
10089 [DBG] Device reported transfer size: 1024
10089 [DBG] Bytes uploaded: 128 100%
10089 [DBG] Upload has finished.
10090 [DBG] vvv ATTENTION: Ignore errors below until matching closing message. vvv
10090 [DBG] Device is not idle, resetting…
10116 [DBG] Device reported transfer size: 1024
11400 [DBG] Failed to perform control transfer: LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_DEVICE
11400 [DBG] Unable to get device status
11400 [DBG] An error has occurred during download phase
11400 [DBG] ^^^ ATTENTION: Ignore errors above until matching opening message. ^^^
11400 [DBG] vvv ATTENTION: Ignore errors below until matching closing message. vvv
11400 [DBG] Failed to release interface: LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_DEVICE
11400 [DBG] ^^^ ATTENTION: Ignore errors above until matching opening message. ^^^

Tried different usb cables and a different usb port? Another recent user complained the cable was faulty , or it might be the usb3 port that is being annoying? Since the lib usb fail to find the device it might be a physical issue in the connection ? DFU mode seems to work so it should be fixable.


Both the cable and the port work fine, I charged up my old windows laptop after I made this post and qflipper worked just fine on that. So the flipper works fine I just cant figure out what was wrong with running it on linux since I double checked both the port and cable and they both work fine.

If you try to get it in DFU, and after try to connect it to USB, then do a lsusb , does it change device ID/work somewhat ? Or even better, first DFU, connect , then poweron machine, maybe there is something in load at startup that conflicts/locks drivers or something related to libusb? do you also play with RTL sdr usb or something like that?