Qflipper selecting the wrong serial port

1029 [APP] qFlipper version 1.2.2 commit ba67025d 2022-12-08T07:31:11
1029 [APP] OS info: Linux Mint 21 21 5.15.0-56-generic Qt 5.15.2
1432 [USB] Failed to open device
1433 [REG] Detected new device: VID_0x483:PID_0x5740
1942 [UPD] Fetched update information from https://update.flipperzero.one/firmware/directory.json
1943 [UPD] Fetched update information from https://update.flipperzero.one/qFlipper/directory.json
1972 [DBG] Trying serial port flip_Nect1c1r at /dev/ttyACM0
1972 [DBG] Trying serial port at /dev/ttyS0
1972 [DBG] Using serial port at /dev/ttyS0
1973 [RPC] Starting RPC session…
17575 [APP] qFlipper exited
17653 [default] “There are still “1” items in the process of being created at engine destruction.”

I know that flipper is connected to /dev/ttyACM0 and I can go into the arduino ide and connect to it just fine. (ascii art of dolphin comes up). The simple fix would be to pass in --port=/dev/ttyACM0 instead of it trying (and selecting) wrong ports.

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