React Native (Android / iOS)

Hi to all Flipper Community :wave:,
Im React Native Engineer and I create this topic to bring this possible agile Solution to develop the Flipper App.

I wanted to open this Topic to discuss if React Native can be a good solution in the development of the application.

While the Flipper application I imagine it will require some native modules to extend functionality that React Native may not be able to achieve (or not), developing a single hybrid application would greatly streamline the development process and make code maintenance easier.

In addition to being easier to develop in Java Script and having a greater number of developers in this language.

Another benefit could be the amount of libraries available to save work, and if some functionality cannot be achieved on the JavaScript side, a native module can always be developed for that feature.

So it only remains to debate,
Is there a reason not to develop a single hybrid application?

If there are questions that I can solve, I will gladly answer!

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Most community development will be about plugins, modules and communication between phone and flipper. It will be in JS, as I see. But core app itself will be native to maximize using of platform features.
Of course you can disscuss it with mobile teams, but as user I prefer native apps.

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If your preference is for application performance, actually today you can make applications that really consume few resources and are as fast as the native ones (A native app will always be faster because ReactNative uses a bridge that communicates the native with JS), but from experience you can make really complex apps with ReactNative and make them fast.

Now if it is due to the amount of features that you can use natively, I tell you that from React Native there are no impediments to using them, and you can always use a native module in case you find a problem without a solution.

Thank you for your opinion!

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Just out of curiousity and as a developer that has worked heavily with react native. What if you do end up having a need to pass alot of data over the bridge or if you need high frequency calls over the bridge? Turbo modules would be nice call here but im not sure that is even applicable as it stands.

Anyway, interested in this topic as rn is definitely a very valuable tool for cross platform development.

To add, i think if plugins is the way of thinking, react native definitely could have the upper hand here for external development. Not sure how compilation would work but anyway just to throw more wood on the fire.

I currently work using frameworks to create hand-fisted solutions that are more elegantly achieved using native platforms. Not a dig but I would prefer to see development to go in a native direction.

Hey everyone,

Just a heads up, I would be honored to help with this. I’m a CTO of a petroleum company currently but have been coding and hacking my entire life and am itchinnn for a new project! I’ve worked in React and React-Native for years, I code every single night in React, RN, Swift, Nodejs, python, Java you name it. If I don’t know the language I’ll learn and help with the architecture. I can help with this! My best friend is also currently an IOS developer using React-Native, and he said he is more than willing to help for free as well.

Really if there is anything I can do in ANY area of this please let me know. I’ve wanted a Flipper Zero so bad, but can’t buy it anywhere. I will do whatever you need. Well… I’ll do alot! lol

Also, own a coffee farm and can supply some pretty amazing coffee. Plz hit meh up! Awesome project!!!

This is more of a general overview of the current app development, but it might clear up a few things for people reading this thread.

The flipper team created public repos for the apps on github.
The repos have been open for community development since around August (iirc).
Links to them were pinned on the discord, but I’ll post them here anyway:
The android app is being written in kotlin:
The iOS app is being written in Swift:

The apps are being primarily developed by the community at this stage.
The framework for the apps has been written and now contributors are waiting for the device to be in their hands so they can begin work on the code needed to interface with the flipper zero from the apps.