Receive RF from PIC12LF1840T39A

Hi !

I’m trying to use Flipper Zero SubGhz module in order to receive radio frame from sensors.
In my code, I’m using subghz_tx_rx_worker module (for the moment) but the first problem that I’ve encountered is that my have_read_callback is never launched (preventing data reception, etc) …
Radio frames sent by the sensor on the 433.92 frequency are 52 B size (the content of the radio frame at least).

Do you know where the problem is coming from ?

Additionnal informations : My project is making a radio reception card portable and ergonomic. This card is a SX1239 in packet mode (look at the datasheet of the receiver) using OOK (On Off Keying) modulation.

Here datasheets of the RF transmitter :
Here datasheets of the RF receiver :

I’ve started to found a solution but it’s not ended !
I think the default configuration of the cc1101 antenna is not adapted for receiving the sensors radio frames.
Therefore, I’m currently trying to find the correct preset for the configuration of cc1101 antenna in the setting_user file first in order to test if the config is good or not and then try it in my code.

Here is the last result of my research but it doesn’t seem to functionate :
Custom_preset_name: Test_3
Custom_preset_module: CC1101
Custom_preset_data: 02 0D 03 07 07 04 08 05 0B 06 14 00 13 00 12 3A 11 32 10 20 18 18 19 18 1D 91 1C 00 1B 07 20 FB 22 11 21 B6 00 00 00 C0 00 00 00 00 00 00

Thank you for keeping your interest in this topic !

I don’t see anything to debug here. A lot of interesting details, but how should I understand all the details without buying such a module?

Maybe a SDR is helpful to analyze the signal as a wav file and afterwards compress the results in a binary format the CC1101 would understand?

Answer to @LupusE :
My objective is to use only the flipper zero in order to listen at the radio frame and my sensors canno’t be modified indeed the SPR would not be a solution.

Here the result of my last research :
Custom_preset_name: Test_7
Custom_preset_module: CC1101
Custom_preset_data: 02 0D 03 07 04 66 05 66 17 3F 07 08 08 35 0D 10 0E B0 0F 71 10 90 0B 06 14 00 13 00 12 3A 11 32 18 18 19 18 1D 91 1C 00 1B 07 20 FB 22 01 21 B6 2C 81 2D 35 00 00 00 C0 00 00 00 00 00 00

Again addtitionnal informations : Here a part of the code used for the configuration of the original receiver

#define RADIO_QUARTZ_FREQ     (32000000ul)
#define RF_BIT_RATE 4950 //(Hz) Transmitter's raw bit rate
#define SYNC_WORD1   0x66 // SYNC WORD  0xAA cod? en Manchester = 0x6666
#define SYNC_WORD2   0x66 // SYNC WORD
#define CRC_BYTE_POS    6   // CRC Byte position in frame
#define FIFOMAXSIZE     66
#define RADIO_HEADER_SIZE   16  ///< taille de la trame radio avant les OW
#define SX1239_ENABLE           0   ///< Periph?rique actif a l'etat bas
#define SX1239_DISABLE          1
#define SX1239_RESET_ENABLE     1   ///< Reset actif a l'etat haut
#define SX1239_RESET_DISABLE    0

 SX1239 CONFIGURATION REGISTERS and bit definitions

//SX1239 addresses
#define REGFIFO_ADDRESS         0x00
#define REGOPMODE_ADDRESS       0x01
    #define SX1239_SEQUENCER_FORCED (1 << 7)
    #define SX1239_SEQUENCER_AUTO   (0 << 7)
    #define SX1239_LISTEN_EN        (1 << 6)   // periodically listens and idles between listening bursts
    #define SX1239_LISTEN_DIS       (0 << 6)   // Always receiving
    #define SX1239_LISTEN_ABORT     (1 << 5)
    #define SX1239_MODE_SLEEP       (0b000 << 2)
    #define SX1239_MODE_STDBY       (0b001 << 2)
    #define SX1239_MODE_FS          (0b010 << 2)
    #define SX1239_MODE_RX          (0b100 << 2)

    #define SX1239_DATAMODE_PACKET              (0b00 << 5)
    #define SX1239_DATAMODE_CONTINUOUS_SYNC     (0b10 << 5)
    #define SX1239_DATAMODE_CONTINUOUS_NO_SYNC  (0b11 << 5)
    #define SX1239_MODULATION_FSK               (0b00 << 3)
    #define SX1239_MODULATION_OOK               (0b01 << 3)

#define REGFRFMSB_ADDRESS       0x07
#define REGFRFMID_ADDRESS       0x08
#define REGFRFLSB_ADDRESS       0x09
#define REGVERSION_ADDRESS      0x10

//Receiver Registers
#define REGLNA_ADDRESS          0x18
#define REGRXBW_ADDRESS         0x19
    #define SX1239_BW_DCCFREQ_DEFAULT (0b000 << 5)
//  #define SX1239_BW_DCCFREQ_DEFAULT (0b010 << 5)
    #define SX1239_BW_MANT_16 (0b00 << 3)
    #define SX1239_BW_MANT_20 (0b01 << 3)
    #define SX1239_BW_MANT_24 (0b10 << 3)
    #define SX1239_BW_EXP_0 (0b000)
    #define SX1239_BW_EXP_1 (0b001)
    #define SX1239_BW_EXP_2 (0b010)
    #define SX1239_BW_EXP_3 (0b011)
    #define SX1239_BW_EXP_4 (0b100)
    #define SX1239_BW_EXP_5 (0b101)
    #define SX1239_BW_EXP_6 (0b110)
    #define SX1239_BW_EXP_7 (0b111)

#define REGLISTEN1_ADDRESS      0x0D
#define REGLISTEN2_ADDRESS      0x0E
#define REGLISTEN3_ADDRESS      0x0F

/** OOK demodulator selection and control in peak mode */
#define REGOOKPEAK_ADDRESS      0x1B
    #define SX1239_THRESH_PEAK_TYPE_FIXED  0
    #define SX1239_THRESH_PEAK_TYPE_PEAK  0x40
    #define SX1239_THRESH_PEAK_TYPE_AVERAGE  0x80
    #define SX1239_THRESH_PEAK_STEP_05dB   0
    #define SX1239_THRESH_PEAK_DEC_0   0

#define REGOOKAVG_ADDRESS       0x1C   /** Average threshold control of the OOK demodulator */
    #define SX1239_THRESH_AVG_2   (0x03 << 6)
    #define SX1239_THRESH_AVG_4   (0x02 << 6)
    #define SX1239_THRESH_AVG_8   (0x01 << 6)
    #define SX1239_THRESH_AVG_32  (0x00 << 6)

#define REGOOKFIX_ADDRESS       0x1D  /** Fixed threshold control of the OOK demodulator */
#define REGRSSI_VALUE               0x24

//IRQ and pin mapping Registers
#define REGDIOMAPPING1_ADDRESS      0x25
#define REGDIOMAPPING2_ADDRESS      0x26
#define REGIRQFLAGS1_ADDRESS        0x27
    #define IRQFLAGS1_MODE_READY    (1 << 7)
    #define IRQFLAGS1_RX_READY      (1 << 6)
    #define IRQFLAGS1_PLL_LOCK      (1 << 4)
    #define IRQFLAGS1_RSSI          (1 << 3)
    #define IRQFLAGS1_TIMEOUT       (1 << 2)
    #define IRQFLAGS1_AUTOMODE      (1 << 1)
    #define IRQFLAGS1_ADDRMATCH     (1     )

#define REGIRQFLAGS2_ADDRESS        0x28        // Page 62
    #define IRQFLAGS2_FIFOFULL      (1 << 7)
    #define IRQFLAGS2_FIFONOTEMPTY  (1 << 6)
    #define IRQFLAGS2_FIFOLEVEL     (1 << 5)
    #define IRQFLAGS2_FIFOOVERRUN   (1 << 4)
    #define IRQFLAGS2_PAYLOADREADY  (1 << 2)
    #define IRQFLAGS2_CRCOK         (1 << 1)
    #define IRQFLAGS2_LOWBAT        (1     )

#define REGRSSITHRESH_ADDRESS       0x29
#define REGRXTIMEOUT1_ADDRESS       0x2A
#define REGRXTIMEOUT2_ADDRESS       0x2B

//Packet Engine Registers
/** Sync word configuration */
    #define SX1239_SYNC_EN      (1 << 7)
    #define SX1239_SYNC_DIS     (0 << 7)
    #define SX1239_FILL_ON_MATCH (0 << 6)
    #define SX1239_FILL_FIFO    (1 << 6)
    #define SX1239_SYNC_SIZE_1  (0 << 3)
    #define SX1239_SYNC_SIZE_2  (1 << 3)
    #define SX1239_SYNC_SIZE_3  (2 << 3)
    #define SX1239_SYNC_SIZE_4  (3 << 3)
    #define SX1239_SYNC_SIZE_5  (4 << 3)
    #define SX1239_SYNC_SIZE_6  (5 << 3)
    #define SX1239_SYNC_SIZE_7  (6 << 3)
    #define SX1239_SYNC_SIZE_8  (7 << 3)
    #define SX1239_SYNC_TOL_0   (0 << 0)    // No bit error tolerated in Sync word

#define REGSYNCVALUE1_ADDRESS       0x2F
#define REGSYNCVALUE2_ADDRESS       0x30
#define REGSYNCVALUE3_ADDRESS       0x31
#define REGSYNCVALUE4_ADDRESS       0x32
#define REGSYNCVALUE5_ADDRESS       0x33
#define REGSYNCVALUE6_ADDRESS       0x34
#define REGSYNCVALUE7_ADDRESS       0x35
#define REGSYNCVALUE8_ADDRESS       0x36

    #define SX1239_PACKET_FIXED_LEN     (0 << 7)
    #define SX1239_PACKET_VAR_LEN       (1 << 7)
    #define SX1239_DCFREE_OFF           (0 << 5)
    #define SX1239_MANCHESTER           (1 << 5)
    #define SX1239_WHITENING            (2 << 5)
    #define SX1239_CRC_CHECK            (1 << 4)
    #define SX1239_CRC_AUTO_CLEAR_OFF   (1 << 3)
    #define SX1239_ADDRESS_FILTER_OFF   (0 << 1)


 *                 RECEIVER MODE
/** Default value for the RegOpMode register */

/** Stdby value for the RegOpMode register */

 *                 MODULATION
/** Fifo value for the RegDataModul register */

 *                 CENTER FREQUENCY
#define SX1239_FREQUENCY_31500 0x4EC000
#define SX1239_FREQUENCY_39000 0x618000
#define SX1239_FREQUENCY_43392 0x6C7AE1
#define SX1239_FREQUENCY_86830 0xD91333
#define SX1239_FREQUENCY_86832 0xD9147B
#define SX1239_FREQUENCY_91500 0xE4C000

/** Default value for the RegFrfMsb, RegFrfMid, and RegFrfLsb registers */
#define SX1239_FREQ_ANS (SX1239_FREQUENCY_43392)

 *                 SYNC detection
/** FIFO value for RegSyncConfig register */
#define SX1239_SYNC_ANS ( SX1239_SYNC_EN | SX1239_FILL_ON_MATCH | SX1239_SYNC_SIZE_2 )

 *                 RX BANDWIDTH

/** Default value for RegRxBw Register */
#define SX1239_RXBW_ANS (SX1239_BW_DCCFREQ_DEFAULT + SX1239_BW_MANT_24 + SX1239_BW_EXP_0)

 *                 RSSI THRESHOLD
/** Default value for RegRssiThresh register */
#define SX1239_RSSI_THRESH_PEAK_ANS (0xE4)

 *                 LNA'S INPUT IMPEDANCE
/** Default value for LNA's impute impedance register */
#define SX1239_LNA_INPUT_IMPEDANCE_50_OHM (0x00)

 *                 PACKET CONFIG 1

 *                 REGOOKPEAK
/** Default value for the RegOokPeak register */

 *                 REGOOKAVG
/** Default value for the RegOokAvg register */
#define SX1239_THRESH_AVG_ANS (SX1239_THRESH_AVG_32)

I’m closer but its not ended yet !

An other test here :
Custom_preset_name: Modified_Config
Custom_preset_module: CC1101
Custom_preset_data: 02 0D 03 17 04 66 05 66 06 3D 07 00 08 01 0B 1F 0D 10 0E B0 0F 71 10 20 11 22 12 3A 13 00 14 F8 17 3F 18 18 19 18 1B 07 1C 08 1D 91 20 FB 21 B6 22 01 2C 81 2D 35 00 00 00 C0 00 00 00 00 00 00

Still doesn’t working …
Please help me about this topic !