Salto Systems access card cloning

Hi I would like to clone my companies access card but it seems not to trigger the flipperzeros sensors. When i use the NFC readers reader detection our doorlock registers as R: C2
Does anyone have a hint how to narrow down what kind of card that is, and if it is supported? The only hint i found was the wikipedia entry about mifare chips as it notes salto as MIFARE DESFire EV1 chip as an access token in some universities. But no Idea if this is their only technology.

I have the same problem with a Salto key tag. Reading in as MIFARE DESfire NFC-A

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I am the admin for the Salto locks for my workplace. As far as i am aware Salto can support multiple types of cards, but that really depends on the installation.

Problem is that you can’t really clone a card. For our set up, the card needs to be validated every 24 hours or so using an online reader, so your clone would invalidate rather quickly. Also, the system is a mix of connected and non-connected doors. Those non-connected doors use your keycard to transfer all kinds of information from lock to lock and from lock to the backend. i.e. door A’s battery is almost empty, and when you swipe your card, it will write it’s battery state on your card. Next time you pass an on-line reader, it will tell the backend about it’s power state and alert the administrator.

I am on my last few days of time off, just got my own flipper a couple of weeks ago. I am planning on checking this out. It’ll be a lot easier since i have all the nessescary decryption keys for our particular installation, but i can’t promise results.


Thanks a lot, if I can deliver anything helpful, do not hesitate to write!

Awesome. Looking forward to hear about your test.

no bueno. I can import my key in the flipper, but my cardreaders just ignore it.

My school uses salto locks and I can clone cards onto my flipper just using the default read NFC option. But it takes like 10 minutes to fully read and does not work when you don’t fully read it.

Seems to be a different card type. My card is not even recognized by the nfc or rfid reader. I envy you!

I read a Mifare classic NFC yesterday and it ate up 20% of the battery, but it also took about half an hour. How about you?

Mine reads as mifare classic aswell. Decoding took a while. My locks do respond to the emulation, but don’t provide access.

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