Sound App Idea

App that uses sound idea. I’m useless at coding, which is why I bought a Flipper to delve into it, but this is still above my level.

I know the flipper will output the sound sent to the beeper on the GPIO pins.
With a bit of giggery- pokery or jurry-rigging, this can be output into a cassette adaptor or similar for using on other devices that accept sound.

Build an app that uses the flipper hardware to convert spectrum computer image files (.tap etc) into the audio required to load the game on real hardware that is output via GPIO to a device or connector that the Spectrum microcomputer can accept.

Similar app called tapdancer was made for Android, and several iterations of similar software was made for DOS etc. all relatively small.

Ideas? Can we hash ideas out between us all?


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I’m not able to take this project on but it’s an interesting idea.