U2F Keys question :

If i do use U2F on some sites and if my flipper do end up dead/damaged/lost would the keys on the SD card be of use with another flipper ? If i move the SD to anther flipper and/or copy to the new flipper the keys on the SD of the old flipper will I be able to log-in to the sitres where i configured sec. factor auth with the original device ?

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The short answer is that the files will not work on a different Flipper; content from the Flipper itself is used to decrypt those files to use them. If the Flipper were lost or damaged you would not be able to recover it.

Thanks … This is bad … If true than it would be nice to have an option to import/export the files inside the flipper that are needed to decrypt the files on the SD.
Not very good… A copy of the files on the SD should be enough as the credentials should be on the SD only … It would be expected for this to be exclusive to flipper / not work with other devices but it would be nice to be able to have multiple flippers using the same credentials … after all the “keys” should be on the SD card anyway …

This is one of the features of U2F. So you can read on any Yubikey, Fido, U2F site/how-to/…: Have a backup factor.

If your Yubikey is lost/broken, this factor is not valid any longer.
I would not use a Flipper as 2FA, if I know I simply are allowed to copy the key around and can login with as much Flippers I have.

At first it seems to be not natural, like scroll down to get a track forward in the playlist … But others think it is useful to have a not recoverable key.

Factor 1: Password/PIN
Factor 2: Yubikey/Flipper U2F
Backup: Codes in the vault

This is how it works secure.

Yes, you are correct. Thanks.