Unable to determine what CMake generator to use AND missing compile_commands.json

I’m trying to start making my own plugins. I followed the instructions on how to clone the firmware, build it then open in VS Code.
Than I get this error
Unable to determine what CMake generator to use.
Please install or configure a preferred generator, or update settings.json, your Kit configuration or PATH variable.

I’m also missing the file compile_commands.json that is suppose to be in this directory “${workspaceFolder}/build/latest/compile_commands.json”

I have all the recommended extensions installed.
Any help is much appreciated.

If you’ve already build it, you are fine. What is the question?

Since it is not clear what are the instructions you’ve followed, but I plan something similar, I’ve tried to do it in my system.

  1. Open a PowerShell
    1. git clone --recursive https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware.git
    2. cd flipperzero-firmware
    3. .\fbt vscode_dist
  2. Open VSCode
    1. Open - Open Folder
    2. Choose K:\git\flipper-firmware (it should be another path on your system)
    3. Install the down right suggested plugins
    4. Open ‘Terminal’ in VSCode and enter .\fbt

[Let the magic happen]

readme at .vscode tree: flipperzero-firmware/.vscode at dev · flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware · GitHub
chapter in the Fipper docs: https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware/blob/dev/documentation/fbt.md

But try this way quick. The flipper-firmware is in a fast development, maybe this will be easier in future. At least i hope better documented in the final release.

Hint: before you’re installing the github.exe, just try winget install --id Git.Git -e --source winget
I’ve installed the VSCode fresh on my system in the Userspace, not the system wide version. But this shouldn’t be a difference in the doing.

Okay, in the end I’ve got an error:

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "K:\git\flipperzero-firmware\lib\nanopb\generator\nanopb_generator.py", line 72, in <module>
    import proto.nanopb_pb2 as nanopb_pb2
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'proto.nanopb_pb2'
        CC      applications\storage\storages\storage_int.c
scons: *** [build\f7-firmware-D\assets\compiled\application.pb.c] Error 1
********** ERRORS **********
Failed building build\f7-firmware-D\assets\compiled\application.pb.c: Error 1

I’ll debug it later, maybe. At least the environment is up and running. Looks like a simple dependency error.

Yeah not my best work. Probably shouldn’t have written that at 5am running on caffeine.
But anyway, I already did what you did before but I did it before in CMD but this time I used PowerShell (not sure if it made any difference in the end tho). I not end up with the file pico_sdk_import.cmake with the error message on line 48
“CMakeLists.txt(7, 1): In call to ‘include’ here”
The file is located here.

Can I just ignore this as I’m able to build the firmware perfectly fine. Also thanks for the help.