Update failed flash write error #[10-1]

I’m new to the community, I just got the flipper, formatted an SD and began updating thru the app on my iPhone. Not sure what’s happening here. Any help?

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Is there more information you can give us? There is very little to go on here. What troubleshooting steps have you taken? Do you have access to a computer?

If I remember correctly, most update errors are caused by a not supported or bad micro SD card.

First of all, the Flipper Zero works with the slower but energy efficient SPI. Some (most cheaper) cards does support only SDIO, because 99% of the users will just need SDIO at a computer or a photo camera or mobile phone… But they won’t write this little detail on the product description.

I do think the filesystem should not be an issue. People playing around with a Flipper Zero should be able to handle filesystems.


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