Update Firmware to use with this Application (MissingImports)

I use uFBT for developing external flipper app and I faced with problem when I tried to use stdlib.
In my example I wrote:
char count[6];
sprintf(count, “%i”, app->click_count);

and when I tried to build my app I catch some error:
bb8cor3@dlaptop clicker % ufbt
scons: Entering directory `/Users/bb8cor3/.ufbt/current/scripts/ufbt’
INSTALL /Users/bb8cor3/Documents/sandbox/fz-apps/clicker/dist/clicker.fap
INSTALL /Users/bb8cor3/Documents/sandbox/fz-apps/clicker/dist/debug/clicker_d.elf
CDB /Users/bb8cor3/Documents/sandbox/fz-apps/clicker/.vscode/compile_commands.json
APPCHK /Users/bb8cor3/.ufbt/build/clicker.fap
Target: 7, API: 50.1
scons: *** [/Users/bb8cor3/.ufbt/build/clicker.impsyms] /Users/bb8cor3/.ufbt/build/clicker.fap: app may not be runnable. Symbols not resolved using firmware’s API: {’__wrap_sprintf’}