Update flipper problem

I have just recevied my new flipepr zero. I have inserted the micro sd card and plug ii into my windows with the qFlipper and then update the firmware but i am getting the following error: DFU file CRC mismatch #[9-99]. I have tried to repair the firmware, change micro sd to one of 128gb, change the usb port, the cable and the computer and i am always having the same error.

Any help?

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same thing every single time I try to update it. I think it has to do with another unoficial firmware I tried to check out and some files are left that the official qFlipper app cannot detect and delete. I then try everytime to delete everything on it but still crashes. They NEED to make a how to install the official flipper zero firmware from scratch and how to delete EVERYTHING on it. Flipper OS doesnt work. I know they have multiple posts like that but none work. We just need to erase everything and start from scratch. I believe there is a way to delete everything one at a time using the qFlipper app

There is a How-To: Firmware recovery - Flipper Zero - Documentation

But a lot of people, at least me, would be angry if they erase the microSD card during the flash process. Depending of the size it could take a really long time.
I am free to do this fast on a PC or on the go by following MicroSD card setup - Flipper Zero - Documentation

What else is needed?